Sunday 28 June 2009

A total flop

As you can probably tell from the title, the yard sale went terribly. Only three people turned up and only two of them bought anything. Once it had finished, we packed up and while YS was at a birthday party, mum and I went to the shps to buy some stuff for the barbeque that we are having later.
When YS got home she was a bit hot and bothered so she has gone for a bath now and dad is currently watching songs of praise. Thats all for now!! Will update later.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Rainy days

Today dad and I went to sell some books at a school but it started raining so after the books got wet despite our efforts with the tarpaulin we retreated and came home. My little sister has been at a sleepover last night and has come back quite droopy. She is going out with the same person to a birthday party tommorrow.
While she is out the rest of us are participating in a yard sale with some other families on the village.
I will tell you more about it afterwards.

Friday 26 June 2009

My meez

Incase you havent noticed I have put my meez on the side bar for you all to look at.

You cant really escape this fact because it has been all over the news today and nobody has stopped taking about it: Michael Jackson has died. I dont really like the modern him. I prefer the old songs and the cute little boy. I obviously wasnt around then seen the videos and heard the music on the radio and television. I was watchin a program about him today and it showed how much he has changed!
That's all for now!!!

Thursday 25 June 2009

RIP baby socks

Yesterday evening one of my bunnies passed away. He died from the snuffles. Although I was very upset, it wasnt a big surprise to me as I have already had one rabbit pass away from this disease. The rabbit that has already passed away from the disease was called George. They may both be gone but we still remember them.
Out five baby rabbits are very well and are zooming around their cage like little rockets! The other white rabbit is tunneling and will soon be at Australia!
There's onle three weeks left of school! Hopefully they wnt seem as long as they should be. For the last lessons of each subject we do something fun ar watch a DVD because there is no point in starting something right before the end of the year! I am very much looking foreward to that!

Saturday 6 June 2009

Half way!!!

I am finally half way through the exams! Just one week to go until it's all over! On monday I have to go on front desk where my friend and I (We got to choose our partners) do all the running around for the office taking notes to people ect. We still have to go to exams but we dont do normal lessons so inbetween taking messages and running around we have to visit tach of our classes as we should be in them and get work to do while we're not busy so we still get some work done! Still got some revision to do so bye for now! BTW all bunnies are fine!

Thursday 4 June 2009

Where has the sun gone???

Today and yesterday have both been rather cold, it makes you wonder just how long ago it was that they said that this summer was going to be the hottest on record. I hope it soon warms up because at school we now have our summer uniform! Down with the shirts and ties and hello polo shirts!!!
All of the bunnies are fine! Must go now, books to read, homework to do, sleep to er sleep?

Wednesday 3 June 2009


Today after I returned from school, mum had some news for me! My albino lop, Moppy has had five little kittens. They don't look albino because their father is a dutch so they still have black markings. I am still expecting my bubblegum to have some more kittens soon! I'll keep you posted on the bunny developments as they happen!

Monday 1 June 2009

The exams begin!

I should've sat my first exam today but unfortunately just before class I got a nose bleed and was therefore sat in the medical room bleeding for an hour and about 25 mins. The nurse called mum and she brought me home so I've been doing lots of revision all day! The exam I was supposed to sit was Spanish. I'm not really that fussed about Spanish because I prefer French. I will still have to do the exam though (unfortunately). I will have to go now and sleep! I need my brain in gear for two exams tomorrow (Science and geography). BTW the bunnies are all fine! BYEEE!