Saturday 24 January 2009

Lazy days

Today has so far been spent studying and playing instruments. Mum and YS are at gym so I have the house to myself, apary from Dad but he is neary always sleeping. Dad is now going to work on the garden. I would help but I am terrible at keeping any kind of plant alive. I mangaed to kill a venus fly trap!!! No plant deserves to be under my care. I am better at looking after animals. My bunnies dont seem to be upset with me.
After giving up on the garden Dad is now playing his instrument. Euphonium. I play the cornet in the band in the nearest town. YS also plays cornet but neither her or dad are in the proper band like me, they are still in a learning group but that's good for them. I am also learning to play the piano at school. It was mum's idea but I do enjoy it.
I enjoy listening to music aswell as playing it. Right now I have John Barrowman on the cd player. It's mum's cd because we are both a fan. We love watching Torchwood and are both waiting for the next series. I also like Doctor Who but YS likes it more than I.
That's all for now!!! BYE!!!

Saturday 17 January 2009

Saturday mornings

To day Younger Sister (YS) and mum went to gymnastics while dad and I stayed at home and tried to make ourselves busy. We normally watch a film but today was different for some reason. I think I'm coming down with a cold so prepare the honey and hot lemon. I also spent today doing some homework and stuff for school like that.
Right now I'm watching Demons ready and waiting for casulty. We're going to church tomorrow but unlike usual dad's taking us as mum has the cold that I feel coming on. At our church everyone brings some food and you eat during the service. Mum usually lets us take some of her homemade cookies. She is such a great cook. My favourite home made meal is lasagne!!! YUM.
We go to the local methodist church. It's a little room with enough room for a table of food, semi circle of chairs, space for preacher and some spare space for little kids to play at the end while everyone else is packing up. Not many people come but it means that you know everybody. I'd rather know everybody in a small church than not know anyone in a huge church. Thats all for now BYE!!!

Saturday 10 January 2009

Intro to me

I am a young girl living in the fens with my parents and younger sibling. I go to a school in the nearest town by bus every morning. My mum has a blog on here called 'growing in the fens'. Not to brag or anything but at school I am in all but one of the top sets (only for things we have been sorted for) so I am doing well at school. At home we have loads of pets! 6 rabbits, too many chickens, quail and a cat who doesn't really belong to us but she lives in our garden and we feed her. That's all for now, need to sleep!!!